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Chalice lighting FOWH 4.2023

Rev. María Uitti McCabe

Una chispa, fragil y pálida
Encendemos hoy
Para recordar quienes somos
Y a quién pertenecemos

Today we light a pale and fragile spark
To remember who we areacco
And to whom we belong

Espíritu del amor y de la justicia
Guíanos en este momento

Spirit of life and justice
Guide us now

Comunidad, familia, entrañable
Community, family, beloveds.

May it be so.

Chalice Lighting & Extinguishing for Music Sunday

We light our chalice
In joy and anticipation
For the music that will hold us,
Challenge us
And light our path
Into awakening.

We extinguish our chalice
In gratitude and joy
Our hearts are full
Music has done its sacred work
Of awakening.


Chalice Lighting & Extinguishing for Jazz Vespers

May we make room for Spirit
In the space we create together
To listen
To let our hearts open
And into this space
We gratefully welcome
The wondrous gift of music

Individual voices
In community
Questioning, creative in our tension
May we speak in the key of jazz
To fight for freedom,
To energize,
Accountable to each other in love.